
Rainer Henze – Metallbildhauer und Grafiker
1952                geboren in Leipzig

1959- 71         Schulbesuch in Halle, Abitur, Zeichenzirkel bei Marti Schmidt

1973- 78         Studium in der Metallklasse der Hochschule „ Burg Giebichenstein“ Halle, Diplom

seit 1979         freiberuflich als Metallbildhauer und Grafiker tätig

seit 1991 Werkstattgemeinschaft mit Cornelia Weihe, Friedemann Knappe and Thomas Leu.

1995- 96         Befristete Lehrtätigkeit an der Hochschule für Kunst und Design, Halle

seit 1996         wieder ausschließlich freiberuflich tätig

1989- 2006     Teilnahme an 8 Stahlgestaltersymposien ( Halle, Staßfurt, Wittenberg, Schwerin)

seit 1980 Mehrfache Teilnahme an nationalen Grafikausstellungen wie den “100 ausgewählte Grafiken”, der “Leipziger Grafikbörse und der “Neuen Deutschen Grafikgemeinschaft”, Kunstbuchprojekte

Seit 1975        Ausstellungen und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen in ganz Deutschland (z.B. Berlin, Erfurt, Halle, Leipzig, Köln, München )  sowie in Polen, Kanada, Bulgarien, China, Tschechien, Dänemark, Vietnam      

Rainer Henze – Artist – Metal Sculptor – Graphic Artist

1952 born in Leipzig

1959-71 attended grammar school in Halle

1973-78 studied for five years at the College of Art and Design – ‘Burg Giebichenstein’ in Halle (Saale); graduated as a sculptor.

worked as a sculptor and graphic artist from 1979

from 1991 has shared a workshop and studio with the artists: Cornelia Weihe, Friedemann Knappe and Thomas Leu.

1991 awarded graphic art prize by the town of Wesseling (Germany)

1995-96 worked as an art teacher at the College of Art and Design – ‘Burg Giebichenstein’ in Halle (Saale).

Main field of work:

After graduating from art college in 1979 Rainer Henze has worked as a metal sculptor and graphic artist. His first prints were woodcuts, lithographs, etchings and embossed paper works. Over the years he has experimented with many different techniques. Since 1985 most of his prints have been etchings and embossed works or combinations of the two techniques.

From 1985 to 1989 one of his prints was displayed in the annual exhibition:

‘One Hundred Selected Prints from East Germany. ‘

Until 1989 he worked as a sculptor, mainly creating reliefs with graphic effects. From 1989 onwards he made most of his sculptures out of iron and stainless steel. Over the next few years he built more and more three dimensional sculptures, and at various symposia, held in steel works, he often worked under industrial conditions and made large-scale sculptures.

Soon he was making more and more sculptures for public buildings and public places. He participated in competitions in the field of ‘Art for Public Buildings’, received numerous prizes and was commissioned to carry out many projects.

Metal sculptures by Rainer Henze are on display, for example, in the cities of Arnstadt, Bülzig, Erfurt, Halle, Leipzig, Lichtenstein / Saxony, Magdeburg, Salzmünde, Trier, Wittenberg and Zeitz.


Since 1975 he has put on over 50 of his own exhibitions of graphic art and sculptures in Berlin, Celle, Crailsheim, Erfurt, Halle, Cologne, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Munich, Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and Wittenberg, among other places.

He has taken part in exhibitions in Germany, Poland, Canada, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France and Vietnam.